Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New topic and New outline for my research paper 5!

yeah. I got help from prof. Smith, so I figured my topic out clearly.
I will talk about games different aspects , so the TOPIC is WHICH SYSTEM YOU SHOULD BUY? ( WHAT GAME SYSTEM IS FIT FOR YOU???)

my OUTLINE will going to be like :

Intro ----- i will talk about why you should choose right video game system.
reason1-recent popular games
question : are they really good for you???(every popular game system?)
reason2- everyone has different taste with everything.
- even though some game systems are popular, these are probably not for you.
reason3-you are waiste time and money if the game system is not interesting for you.
- basically, games are for your entertainment. you sould enjoy it.

Body------- I will talk about recent popular games different aspect in here

Body 1- introduce recent popular video game system
x-box, Wii, Nintendo D.S., i-PHONE(maybe), Playstation.PSP

Q. why they are popular?-----> talk about different aspect.

Body2- details and aspects of each game console
1. X-BOX
2. Wii - mostly it comes with active game
3. Nintendo D.S
4. Playstation

Body 3- types of people and each different game console for them

1. personality - active
- inert
2. types of body - fat
- skinny( if you do not like haevy things..)
3.types of age - children
-young( teenager- 20')
- 30'- 50'
-old (after 60')

Conclusion - again ~ why choosing right game system is important for each different customer.
choose right one for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

about my research paper

I am making the list of my research paper now. I think it will be good start to do my research paper. everyone has different preference when they start paper work. I think introduction is very important in every paper work becuase you have to interest reader at the first page of your work. After then, the reader going to concentrate the paper work. So I think I am going to mention about what are the popular game consoles recently, and of course! I will mention about the game console "Wii". then I can start Body part( I have not decided what to talk in here, but I may compare Wii with other games, and talk about why Wii is good game (related to Gee's Article)

Intro- Recent popular game consoles in America
1. Play Station 3, Nintendo D.S., I-pod Touch/Phone, Wii....etc.
2. why they are popular and what is the funtion of them.
3. why will i talk about particular game "Wii"?

oh.. should i talk about all of the game consoles and why they are good..? I can't decide yet!
for 12 pages, I think it would be better idea to talk about all of them...;(