Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New topic and New outline for my research paper 5!

yeah. I got help from prof. Smith, so I figured my topic out clearly.
I will talk about games different aspects , so the TOPIC is WHICH SYSTEM YOU SHOULD BUY? ( WHAT GAME SYSTEM IS FIT FOR YOU???)

my OUTLINE will going to be like :

Intro ----- i will talk about why you should choose right video game system.
reason1-recent popular games
question : are they really good for you???(every popular game system?)
reason2- everyone has different taste with everything.
- even though some game systems are popular, these are probably not for you.
reason3-you are waiste time and money if the game system is not interesting for you.
- basically, games are for your entertainment. you sould enjoy it.

Body------- I will talk about recent popular games different aspect in here

Body 1- introduce recent popular video game system
x-box, Wii, Nintendo D.S., i-PHONE(maybe), Playstation.PSP

Q. why they are popular?-----> talk about different aspect.

Body2- details and aspects of each game console
1. X-BOX
2. Wii - mostly it comes with active game
3. Nintendo D.S
4. Playstation

Body 3- types of people and each different game console for them

1. personality - active
- inert
2. types of body - fat
- skinny( if you do not like haevy things..)
3.types of age - children
-young( teenager- 20')
- 30'- 50'
-old (after 60')

Conclusion - again ~ why choosing right game system is important for each different customer.
choose right one for your enjoyment.

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