Saturday, October 25, 2008

what i have learned so far

I have learned lots of things in this cluster so far. I was kind of scared to be in English classes. Why? because I have to get really good grade in those English classes for my transfer credit.. I still don't know i will get a good grade in the classes, but I have learned new things for English paper such as MLA style. I think I am so free to work on my stuff( like a homework, blogging and research) English classes, so I learned how to control my time.
Film class is very new to me so far, and I have learned lots of thing in Film. I did not have chance to watch early 1900's movie, but film class has given the chance to watch those early 1900's movie. I like that. I feel like I am getting new knowledge from that.
Media? I LOVE this class. Sometimes it is little hard to follow the class because i do not have much knowledge of "AMERICAN" media. But I am learning so many things of american media. It is fun and exciting!.
These classes are sometimes giving me hard time. I have to work on so many things for these classes. However, I think it is one of processes to be done these classes successfully, then i can get good grades!

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