Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Topic for game research paper

I think I got some ideas when I went on the trip at toys are us, but I am not sure what I have to do for the research paper. I just thought about Nintendo Game Wii and Nintendo DS. Both are really popular all over the world now, and each game have special aspects.
Nintendo DS is compact size, so we can easily carry it anywhere. It has two small screen which is touch screen, so this gameplay just needs a pen for playing game. It is really popular for young people ( from elementary school students to 30's), and I have seen so many people carry it on the subway and the street. It is very playful and fun when we ride the subway, wait for something and when you are bored. That is why it is so popular for many people.
Gameplayer Wii is different from Nintendo DS. It needs screen such as TV, and it is not a handheld size. However, Everyone can play and have fun with this.( No matter how old you are) Will has lots of different games such as music Player, Car driver and yoga, and these games need different types of remote control. Especially, Wii Excercize game is really good for the people who do not like excercize and think work out is boring. I think the game in Wii will give them good excercize effect while people are actually playing the game. Not only about excercize, but also it has lots of game program.
Nintendo Wii has more different aspects then DS.. I am still not sure about topic, but I think i will go with Wii because it is not a personal game program, so you can enjoy it with your family and friends. It helps having a better relationship for players.

1 comment:

Tay said...

Hey Eva, good thoughts on the games but like you I am also confused on exacly what 10-12 pages would be on for my paper also. I been thinking of topics but im delayed because im not sure which I should write or argue with cause I havent found any negative articles or anything so we all need the good luck!