Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Club fair

i went club fair last week, and it was kind of interesting experience to go there for me.In this school, so many students are from different countries. So there are some clubs that consist of people who are from same country like China, Japan....etc. I felt dissapointed because there was no Korean club. (lol) I asked myself 'Don't Korean people have anything in this school? G...'. Right that time, an asian guy (He looked like japanese)came to me and ask " Are you Korean? " He was Korean!! After then, he said that he felt dissapointed too, and he wants to make a Korean club in this school. At that moment, I cound not decide which club i want to join, so i just agree with his suggestion. Now, he is processing to make a korean club, and i might join the club. I just hope that the club is enjoyable.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

i think its cool that you want to join a club. && yeah the club fair was intersting.