Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New topic and New outline for my research paper 5!

yeah. I got help from prof. Smith, so I figured my topic out clearly.
I will talk about games different aspects , so the TOPIC is WHICH SYSTEM YOU SHOULD BUY? ( WHAT GAME SYSTEM IS FIT FOR YOU???)

my OUTLINE will going to be like :

Intro ----- i will talk about why you should choose right video game system.
reason1-recent popular games
question : are they really good for you???(every popular game system?)
reason2- everyone has different taste with everything.
- even though some game systems are popular, these are probably not for you.
reason3-you are waiste time and money if the game system is not interesting for you.
- basically, games are for your entertainment. you sould enjoy it.

Body------- I will talk about recent popular games different aspect in here

Body 1- introduce recent popular video game system
x-box, Wii, Nintendo D.S., i-PHONE(maybe), Playstation.PSP

Q. why they are popular?-----> talk about different aspect.

Body2- details and aspects of each game console
1. X-BOX
2. Wii - mostly it comes with active game
3. Nintendo D.S
4. Playstation

Body 3- types of people and each different game console for them

1. personality - active
- inert
2. types of body - fat
- skinny( if you do not like haevy things..)
3.types of age - children
-young( teenager- 20')
- 30'- 50'
-old (after 60')

Conclusion - again ~ why choosing right game system is important for each different customer.
choose right one for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

about my research paper

I am making the list of my research paper now. I think it will be good start to do my research paper. everyone has different preference when they start paper work. I think introduction is very important in every paper work becuase you have to interest reader at the first page of your work. After then, the reader going to concentrate the paper work. So I think I am going to mention about what are the popular game consoles recently, and of course! I will mention about the game console "Wii". then I can start Body part( I have not decided what to talk in here, but I may compare Wii with other games, and talk about why Wii is good game (related to Gee's Article)

Intro- Recent popular game consoles in America
1. Play Station 3, Nintendo D.S., I-pod Touch/Phone, Wii....etc.
2. why they are popular and what is the funtion of them.
3. why will i talk about particular game "Wii"?

oh.. should i talk about all of the game consoles and why they are good..? I can't decide yet!
for 12 pages, I think it would be better idea to talk about all of them...;(

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Topic for game research paper

I think I got some ideas when I went on the trip at toys are us, but I am not sure what I have to do for the research paper. I just thought about Nintendo Game Wii and Nintendo DS. Both are really popular all over the world now, and each game have special aspects.
Nintendo DS is compact size, so we can easily carry it anywhere. It has two small screen which is touch screen, so this gameplay just needs a pen for playing game. It is really popular for young people ( from elementary school students to 30's), and I have seen so many people carry it on the subway and the street. It is very playful and fun when we ride the subway, wait for something and when you are bored. That is why it is so popular for many people.
Gameplayer Wii is different from Nintendo DS. It needs screen such as TV, and it is not a handheld size. However, Everyone can play and have fun with this.( No matter how old you are) Will has lots of different games such as music Player, Car driver and yoga, and these games need different types of remote control. Especially, Wii Excercize game is really good for the people who do not like excercize and think work out is boring. I think the game in Wii will give them good excercize effect while people are actually playing the game. Not only about excercize, but also it has lots of game program.
Nintendo Wii has more different aspects then DS.. I am still not sure about topic, but I think i will go with Wii because it is not a personal game program, so you can enjoy it with your family and friends. It helps having a better relationship for players.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

trip at Toys R us

I never been Toys R us before this trip, and I had really fun in there. There are lots of toys and games. I think Toys and games have a simirality to us because we have fun when we play with them. However, the different thing is that we sometimes cannot touch a real game character or anything in a game. We can touch and feel any toys such as Babie or Teddy bear. But some games are CD/TV programs or on the web. So we can imaginate the feeling what it is like,yet we cannot really feel anything while we are playing simulation game. I realized that what is different between toys and games, but also i found simiralities between them while I was in Toys R us. I was also amazed because toys are so improved in design and funtion. Toys are also used as game character, or game characters are used as toys. I never thought about toys and games seriously after elementary school ( I am still gathering Happy Meal set dolls though), but I thought I can still enjoy toys after I went to Toys R us.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

what i have learned so far

I have learned lots of things in this cluster so far. I was kind of scared to be in English classes. Why? because I have to get really good grade in those English classes for my transfer credit.. I still don't know i will get a good grade in the classes, but I have learned new things for English paper such as MLA style. I think I am so free to work on my stuff( like a homework, blogging and research) English classes, so I learned how to control my time.
Film class is very new to me so far, and I have learned lots of thing in Film. I did not have chance to watch early 1900's movie, but film class has given the chance to watch those early 1900's movie. I like that. I feel like I am getting new knowledge from that.
Media? I LOVE this class. Sometimes it is little hard to follow the class because i do not have much knowledge of "AMERICAN" media. But I am learning so many things of american media. It is fun and exciting!.
These classes are sometimes giving me hard time. I have to work on so many things for these classes. However, I think it is one of processes to be done these classes successfully, then i can get good grades!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Club fair

i went club fair last week, and it was kind of interesting experience to go there for me.In this school, so many students are from different countries. So there are some clubs that consist of people who are from same country like China, Japan....etc. I felt dissapointed because there was no Korean club. (lol) I asked myself 'Don't Korean people have anything in this school? G...'. Right that time, an asian guy (He looked like japanese)came to me and ask " Are you Korean? " He was Korean!! After then, he said that he felt dissapointed too, and he wants to make a Korean club in this school. At that moment, I cound not decide which club i want to join, so i just agree with his suggestion. Now, he is processing to make a korean club, and i might join the club. I just hope that the club is enjoyable.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

game and learning

Before I read James Gee's article, I used to consider video games to be just entertainment. I never thought they could contain lessons that could improve our educational system.
I think Mr. Gee is right when he says that video games are complex systems that you have to learn to play, and that school could benefit from being set up the same way. I would probably be much more motivated and excited about school if the learning process were more like a video game. A lot of the time, it feels like we just memorize facts for a test, then forget them, like Mr. Gee says. Many classes are only good for earning a grade, and we can't apply them to the rest of our lives.
I agree that getting an identity, like in a video game, would be good for learning. Many students do not have a good sense of identity, so they always ask "Why am I taking this class? How will this be good for me?" So if a teacher made a student feel like a real artist or a scientist instead of just a student, then that would motivate the student to learn more.
I also agree that more risk taking would be better for school learning. Students often think that tests or projects or grades are the end of the world, so they become too concerned about the result and don't use their creativity. This makes students more similar to each other and makes it harder for talented students to stand out.
Customization would also be helpful in school. Many people have different ways of learning, so we need to find a way to let all of them learn in their own way. Most of the time, every student is taught in the same way, which is only good for the people who understand that way.
System thinking would definitely be a benefit to schools. Students often don't know how their classes are relevant to society and the world, so they don't apply themselves as much. If we could always see our classes in context, it would be a good motivator.
I also really like the idea of cross-functional teams. People have different strengths as students, so they should be able to work together sometimes in ways that improve their weaknesses, instead of always just competing to be #1.